Technology Grading Policy

Grading Categories used in this class are designed to correspond to the practices and skills fundamental to the study of technology at ACS. These three categories are weighted in the calculation of your overall grade as noted below.

Grading Category Weight Description
1 Process 33% How you make decisions about what to make
2 Expertise 33% What you can do now that you couldn’t do before
3 Product 33% What you make and how it’s used

When determining your grade in any of the categories, I consider all of the evidence you’ve submitted that pertains to that category, and assign a grade that most accurately reflects your current ability. In general, I will favor larger and more recent assignments, but consistency also matters. It may also be that in some categories, different tasks represent unique aspects of that category. For example, the Product category describes your ability to create polished work and share it with others, which might be assessed in two different assignments. Even though these assignments count in the same category, they both matter and the newer wouldn’t “replace” the older.

Levels of Achievement

Letter grades can mean different things in different assignments and different categories. Usually, though, they are some version of the following:

Demonstrates creativity and/or sophistication in satisfying the learning targets Satisfies every aspect of the learning targets Partially satisfies the learning targets Demonstrates only basic understanding or skill as described in the learning targets. Incomplete, unacceptably brief, or shows little or none of the understanding described in the learning targets

How to get an A on a task:

Demonstrating creativity, which may include any of the following:

  • approaching or executing the task in a novel or interesting way.
  • executing a particularly challenging or complex idea or task (more so than what is required by the assignment).

Demonstrating sophistication, which may include any of the following:

  • demonstration or description (in process documentation, written responses, artist’s statement) of understandings that are particularly clear or show understanding beyond what is require
  • demonstrating an ability to reflect and be critical when dealing with your own work (i.e., covering multiple takes/angles/shots, generating multiple versions when editing, etc).
  • employing an artistic process that values the quality of the final version beyond what is required by the assignment.
  • creating works that are particularly ambitious, complex, moving, meaningful, or layered.

How to get a B in a category:

Demonstrate proficiency with all **learning targets associated with that category at some point during the semester while completing **all required work.. Some learning targets are assessed multiple times, and proficiency must be demonstrated on the most recent assessments.

For example, the design process may be assessed at the start of the semester on a small project at the beginning of the semester, and again on each project including the final project, which will be the most difficult task. In this case, you must demonstrate proficiency (B) on your process on the final project to be fully proficient.

How to get an A in a category:

Fulfill the requirements to get a B in the section above AND sophistication/creativity on a few larger assignments (i.e., projects).

How to get an A overall:

Demonstrate proficiency (B) in every category AND sophistication or creativity (A) in two out of three categories (i.e., AAB, or AAA).

Summary of Skills Assessed Per Category


  • Design Cycle: Use a design process to create innovative artifacts or solve problems.
  • Project Management: Break down tasks into manageable parts and show evidence of progress made.
  • Collaboration: Contribute constructively to project teams, assume various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.


  • Skills: Apply content knowledge and skills practiced during the unit.
  • Independent and Cross-Disciplinary Learning: Explore real-world issues, develop ideas and theories, and pursue answers and solutions through research and experimentation..


  • Self Evaluation: Reflect on and evaluate learning.
  • Implementation: Share my work with an appropriate audience/user.

Standards referenced in ACS Technology classes include ISTE Standards, National Core Arts Standards, AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam Description, and CSTA Standards.